
i promised....

well i dont think i wrote promised but i dont want to be a let down (btw as im writing this i am taking my makeup off so appologies for mistsakes)

so two weeks ago i had my hair chopped i would say cut but the amount taken off it it was more like chopped :P
sorry it took me so long to post this but i just havent had much in me lately.
so here is what my hair looked like before..............

this pic was the only one where you can around about see how long my hair was.
okay so here it is...

look :O but i love it now. i was in tears when i first washed it but now i love it.
so ive decided to frow in some posing pics and a EOTD.

the ever so wierd pic it made me laugh.

and a just messing around. gawd im a poser sometimes...come on we all do it.

the Cheese on this!!

okay so EOTD which is more of a FOTD hmm.

please ignore the tide mark and eyebrows i fixed the tide after i saw this pic but couldnt really get a better picture.

so hope you liked it. and just to let you know i ended up poking myself in the eye with my baby wipe. good times.

Good Night.

Day 3 of the count down to christmas tmoz



  1. I really like it! I had my really long hair chopped to the same length as yours about 2years ago. Been growing it since though but I liked it short too so will probs get it cut again at some point. x

  2. thank you. :D i cried when i washed it for the first time after the cut. it was such a big change for me. but now i LOVE it. it took me about a year to grow long i had it cut about 3 times in that year. it just came to a point where i just coulnt do anything to it so i just held my breath and told my friend to cut. oooh the advantages of having a friend in hairdressing. it did take me ages to decide this though. :) x


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