
Guess who's been shopping???

Okay ill tell you it was ME. of course its payday. wooo. first thing i did after being on a bus for about 40mins full as possible seriously never seen anything like that for a good few years thats the last time i get a bus at half 9 :)

any way i went into MAC straight to the new collections(sorry jen they didnt have any cards) i dont know what to think of it i think im gonna have to spend more time looking at it. i bought highly minted e/s because i need a good green i used a green on my eyes the other day and everyone was like its purple or its blue so i gave up and bought a good green. cant wait to test that out.and it was my first eyeshadow from MAC.

 then i went to NARS i wasnt going to but i only bought one thing in MAC. i bought the sheer glow foundation. and got the tester of the matte one.again my first NARS product. Go me.

 then i went into boots and got harrased by the people at benifit. i seem to always atract them umm. so the woman focused on my cheeks and i fell in love with the cheek tint. gawd i love it, she used the plum mascara and i love it speshly that my hair is purple woo. i was good and only bought the cheek tint but i did book myself for an appointment for my eyebrows they have grown back awful so im having them done next sunday and a free lesson on complexion.

so since she stopped me mid shop i just gave up and paid. i bought a cute little toiltery bag because i like clean hands and in work that doesnt happen much and the soap is awful on my hands so i bought my own and a nail scrub because i can get god knows in my nails eww.

       i went into bodycare, i can buy sooo much in that place and hardly spend anything i love it. i bought lots of cotton wool because i can never have too much. painkillers cause of this stupid wisdom toothand hairgrips. then i also went into tesco to buy some cheap makeup wipes so i can wipe my brushes on and whilst i was there i bought more painkillers theses ones go in my work bag and some babywipes because i always need to clean my hands when im doing my makeup cause i tend to get it EVERYWHERE. so ive talked you to death and now im going to get ready for work have fun :)


S. xXx


  1. I want the plum mascara, you should have bought that and bought the 2true cheek and lip tint because apparently its the same as posie tint (and now I have remembered I have it and I will use it) Did you get your pallette? x

  2. Oh and after you've watched it can I borrow your Twilight DVD?


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