
Eyeko ambassador

I am now an Eyeko Ambassador so next time your thinking of poping in an order with eyeko, do it and if you spend over £15 type my Eyeko Ambassador code in and you will recieve a free gift. There's nothing better than a free gift now is there.

So get shopping. 

MIM xx


in the kitchen with sarah day 2

So all my friends at work were begging me to make peanut butter cakes for them, so of course i had to make them.

I've never made them before and the only peanut butter ive ever tried is from resse's pieces (Yum) so i was so worried then wouldn't taste nice. i think i searched for hours on end to find a perfect recipe for me to use but they all came up with so many different ones that i just took the basics and put them into one. i scooped my batter out in the cases put them in the over for 15mins and listened to my jamie oliver egg timer app click away. i started to think what on earth shall i use as frosting, so i looked through the cupboards and couldn't find anything, i decided to see what they had at the shop and low and behold Nutella. easiest thing that wouldn't take too much attention away from the peanut butteryness. jamie oliver rang and i poped the cakes out the oven, they smelt amazing and had risen well.

after i let them cool i put the nutella on and itched to try one.

They were a little bit dry but i expected that because they do tend to be dry. the nutella soon took the dry taste away and it just tasted like peanut buttery heaven really. im glad i chose nutella cause it made the cake taste about 10x better than what it would of been plain, which was what i was going to go with.

So there you go you need to try these if your a peanut butter fan. Yum




in the kitchen with sarah day 1

So the past couple of months or so ive been baking cakes,cakes and more cakes so im going to do a few post of the cupcakes ive made.
I've always loved baking cakes but after i left school i just stopped baking. i was looking into it to do at college but chose graphic design instead, that was a big fail.
when the guys at 1000 heads invited me to the Aussie market night in leeds me and my sister jen thought of doing a cupcake stall so we got our bakers heads on and not stopped since. Trying to perfect my frosting has been the hardest and i still dont think im there, i love my sponge, if i do say so myself.
Okay so today i made Cupcake surprise, my best decorated cupcakes so far :D

Pictures were taken from my fab app instagram it puts an affect on the pictures you take and you can post them on twitter facebook flickr etc. the only problem is that the pictures you take dont get saved to your album on the phone only saves on this app. 

so anyway im going to make these at the christmas markets so if any of you are going please stop by and try one :D 

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