
jewellery business

Me and my little sister are going into business and making jewellery and selling it.
im going to make a new blog about it so i can put them up for sale on there. im making a twitter and facebook page also so keep your eyes peeled.

we have one problem though!!!!!

We haven't got a name. now i only have about 3/4 days before we are going to start making and selling them.
and i was wondering if you would like to help give us a name.

if you have an ideas please please please comment below.

it would be a massive help.


MIM xx



Woo! i've got a new laptop i'm so happy i didn't think i would last for 2/4 weeks without one.
 i LOVE it. its beautiful and its name is LAPPY. named by my mum.
any way. some post should be coming your way sometime soon.
i came back from Ibiza 3 weeks ago and ever since i have been working like crazy to have money i honestly do not know where my money is going i haven't bought makeup for about 3/4 months now so i think i have a hole in my bank. Today was my only day off and i spent the day playing on some annoying game on facebook called qilox its so addictive and downloading adobe creative suite so i could design a new header. i have one up now but I'm going to make it bigger tomorrow unless you guys think it looks alright?

my next day off is Friday now :( i will try my hardest to make a post i promise.

before i go i realised the other day that i put MIM at the bottom of my post and never explained it to you.

my url is make it makeup and my blog being named makeup is my boyfriend.
when i was thinking of a user name for MAF i came up with make it makeup and in my head i abbreviated it MIM until someone called me MIM i was so excited someone called me that i didn't think i could pull it off.
so basically i am known as MIM with a blog named makeup is my boyfriend
Does that make any sense i hope it does.

i shall be posting about the Aussie aussome volume tribe event i attended on Thursday here is a little sneak peak at what will be coming up in the post

Good Night/ Good Day where ever in the world you are.

MIM xx 


broken laptop and a dodgy R!

Hello. urg stressful month might i say. long story and im using my sisters laptop with a broken R so its really annoying to type fully on here. the sad news to this post is that my laptop finaly broke it has been on its last few strings then the other day it went to the little micro chip in the sky with my other laptop. i have to wait 2 more weeks until i get a new one :( i came up with loads of post and everything.

the good news im going to the aussie volume tribe get together tomorrow so im really excited for that. i will try and post again before i get a new laptop :)

ill pop in a little OOTD from my holiday in ibiza

top river island
jeggings new look
white top underneath pimark

MIM xxx
Eyeko Beauty - London's Cutest Cosmetics!