on christmas i chucked my makeup into the top draw just because i was sooo excited about my TOOL BOX santa bought me. i LOVE it. and put all my makeup in it and threw everything else to the side. so during january i got lazy and didnt sort anything out and everything was a mess.
I took all of my makeup and skin care stuff out of the draw and what not and lay it all out on my floor and sectioned everything off.
This is what i basicaly had and a few brushes and skin care stuff i couldnt get in the pic...i was sat down and standing up just wasnt an option(again with the lazyness)
can you see my fake MAC pigments ha they are good i mainly use them for nail varnish because i dont know whats in them.
Yes my brush collection has grew MASSIVELY. i got the sonia kashuk brushed from space NK when they had them on sale. i got 5 i think i love the foundation brush it is small but i just love how it applies my foundation.
my eyeshadow palettes and quads arent actualy on the picture ..oh well. so after doing all of this and realising how my makeup collection has actualy grew in what 6 months? i am proud of myself and i use about 95% of everything so nothing really goes to waste.
okay so i dont know how to rotate this.
i have a slight obssesion with falsies atm..i cant go a day tha im out of the house without them. i am in love with ardell lashes £5 from boots AMAZING. i got this tray from ikea i love it.
lmy tool box isnt it amazing. this isnt how it looked when i first got it i decided to change everything around so it fits better. this is just the makeup i wear almost all the time or something if i do wear it i can just grab it.
my mum originaly got me the gok wan bath set for the box so i could put my makeup then saw the tool box so i got both which im glad i did because i came in handy. in hear ive put stuff i dont use often. including nail polish....i love the stuff but with my job i cant paint my nails so they just get neglated. i also put accesories in here like tweezers,sponges,foundation pumps, eyelash curlers.
so this is what my draws look like.
well sort of the top and the top draw. ha!
look theres my rose again.can you see my clothes just got given my washing.
just how i put stuff in my draw.
This one is just for the sake of it and im not proud of it but i love it.
i like to keep little things that remind me of places,birthdays,people. the top hat (with the feather) is from a christmas party i went to with my best friend with christies hospital. the pink one is from boxing day i took it off my nannas tree. the chefs one is from pizza hut for my friends 19th i think it just looks right there :] and the little monkey you can barely see is from work(mcdonalds) i collect the toys (yes i know im sad)
the picture frames are from ikea was like £2 for 2 frames.
sorry about the L O N G post but at least i have FINALY posted ha.
Goodnight its like 12:34 watching 90210 then going to bed.
oh do you know what on the th of feb it will be 9/02/10.
gawd im sad
okay night