Okay so i was just looking through my Blog as you do, you know and realised its only been a month and like a week or so that i have been doing this for and this post its like my 29th or 30th one. but looking back at my collection post omg what on earth, i was just like look how much i didnt have and considering its only been so long i have bought ALOT or makeup and i have organised everything well its getting a bit messy now because i have too much makeup. but im slowley getting there. i have my routine on how i do my makeup and where it all goes and everything else. its a shame everything else in my room isnt as organised. you just see a little neat bit in the corner of my room its shocking when you walk in. any way. i now have 4 MAC brushes which i love every single one. and i have more brushes ones i just bought. i am though in desperate need of eye brushes. i bought a chanel one for £8 of makeupadvice forum. i will post when i recieve them. and for eyeshadows gosh i never liked eyeshadow much but i love it i cant go a day without it. i walk into work and everyone is like wow i like your eyes and a girl came over to me and said gawd do you just have a different colour on your eyes everyday.....yes of course. doing the same look is BORING. and i love colour i mean when im not in the mood i will just so a smokey eye but thats only like once a week. any way. im off im going to see Disney Princesses on Ice woo! oh and just a quick point i bought tresseme hairspray not the new one a big fat bottle and its awful on my hair erg the feel of it, its just not right. so..
nearly pay day!
woo! its nearly payday im sooo excited i serisouly am! woop! im going to MAC and Im going to NARS woop!
post coming on Friday oh yes Friday!
Later :)
post coming on Friday oh yes Friday!
Later :)
Just a look!
okay so i was going to post this for pixiwoo's contest but i dont think its THAT good so i thought i might aswell post it on here. ive got a month so in that time i can think of something amazing and clear my skin a bit because its a mess atm especially around my eyebrows and top lip thanks for me having them threaded Ouch! so ive come out in little spots bad times. i also bought some artist brushes for them finelines. so here is the look.
i threw in a pose for the sake of it.
A close up of my eye.
and this is just for the fun of it.
okay so
couple of looks eyes
So for the past three days i decided to wear more colourful eyeshadow to work so on saturday i wore pink sunday i wore orange and black and yesterday i wore yellow orange pink and blue. I used my 120 palette and my chaos sleek palette for the last look. So here they are.
Okay so there not in the right order but oh well. i used my FY..eye from benifit which i LOVE. My eyeshadow stays on all day with no creasing it was worth the £17.
I also have a picture from saturday
I actualy used the barry m blush im getting used to it now but im still abit ehh on it.
FOTD today and yesterday.
Okay Yesterday i went to town just to get some clothes because for some strange reason i can never find anything to wear in the trafford center i just go for makeup and cause i love it. so anyway as i got to thinking i really needed my eyebrows doing so i thought if i go into debenhams and get them done try threading out then go to MAC and have my makeup done so im not going round town with no makeup on and i would be spending money in there anyway just made sense. so anyway heres my look from yesterday.
and Today this is just me experimenting. my skin is far to light umm... :} and my lash came off and couldnt be mivered gluing it back on. EFFORT!!
dodgy pictures i know. i looks scared hehe.
so here it is. i used MAC studio fix nc15 ( i know light but im a light person) and just patted no7 mousse foundation blonde over the top.using my 187 brush,
then rimmel powder. the for the eyes for the base i used F.Y...eye! from benifit.
and used the 4 colours below. and for a highlight i used the cream also below. i also used the fushia glitter from MAC. just to give it that little bit of a shimmer. and put some eyelashes on and for blush i used dollymix.
this was before they fell off.
okay so yea these were my looks from the past two days. and i have also realised i need my makeup organising AGAIN. i just have loads of makeup and not enough space to put it all.
I bought the benift powderflage set the other day and i dont like it. well i do but its not for me i dont like powder concealer i just thought id give it ago. so i bought this for just under £20 and selling it for £14 free postage fair enough i think :) so if you want it just comment me and make sure you have paypal thanks xx
upcoming sale.
okay ive been a naughty girl and spent all of my money oh dear thats not good so i thought id sell the things i just bought on impulse. i shall post them later on when i sort my pics out and things i wanna sell. so please buy stuff because i have no money :( x
Popped into superdrug!
and as i was there i bought maybelline great lash ive always wanted it its been around for ages i think i will do a review when i have time tomorrow. and ofcourse i cant got into a drug store without buying some hand sanitizer and i also bought a wispa gold cause ive never had one and been looking EVERYWHERE for them and some moisturising eye drops my i left them somewhere when i get them back if i get them back i will post it. just thought id share this with you.
Oh btw when i get 20 followers im having a giveaway so fingers crossed its soon my sister is also doing the samething she has 4 more followers left i have 7 so people get advertising out blogs and get following
Thanks :) Later
London Fashion Week 2009!

even though most outfits are wonderfully outragous and something that you wouldnt actualy wear out on the street, unless your lady gaga. but it sorts of gives you some sense on what sort of clothes you can buy this season. i love watching all the new season clothes go in shops i can spend ages just going in different shops looking at them. i would never buy them because anything i buy i just look stupid in so ive recently given up on clothes i think ill just stick to my boring plain old clothes and just jazz them up with bangles and ofcourse makeup.
i think ill give gok wan a call and see if he could help me out. no neck scarfs though i cant be doing with them. ohh crumbs no.
maybelline pulse perfection vibrating mascara
okay i think this is my first proper review. so yea.
the wand is fab but im a bit unsure of it works with the vibrating-ness. because the wand is small, well thin it doesnt really put the mascara on the lash yea it seperates the lashes and makes them look natural but what girl going out to a party or something wants "natural" lashes. not me anyhow. it is a good first coat or good for work or school but if you want full lashes than i would wait for a better wand to come out in it.
i do love this but its just i love fuller lashes more and unless i put lots of coats on its not gonna work. also holding the button down to make it vibrate is annoying they should have a twisty lid of something i know beauty is time and effort but come on youll be more focusing on pressing the button that youll just miss the lash and hit your nose we dont want that do we?
advice to maybelline.....make the vibrating process easier or atleast think about it before producing it. i know it must be hard making a little battery size thing make the whole wand vibrate but with all this technology these days i think it can be done. but we all start somewhere just look at the computer how big that was now we have phones and notebook laptops.try harder maybelline good luck cant wait to try your next product.
i recently bought the new vibrating mascara. what will they think of next. when i saw this in superdrug i just had to get it and with it being on offer i grabbed it.
advice to maybelline.....make the vibrating process easier or atleast think about it before producing it. i know it must be hard making a little battery size thing make the whole wand vibrate but with all this technology these days i think it can be done. but we all start somewhere just look at the computer how big that was now we have phones and notebook laptops.
New Stuff...
Well a week old stuff i bought last friday. oh payday we do love.
so after my fortnightly shopping trip with my best friend i decided to get a couple of things i need and the rest i just HAD to buy. i got a bit extra money this payday and my first thought was spending spree at MAC but my mum decided to tell me i had to save some money. i didnt do well i doing this she did also say if i do spend all my money spend it on something i need so i kindof took that advice. ummm.
anyway i spent £30 in boots. and a shocking £50 in superdrug omg. it broke my heart when she said the total but all but one is what i wanted to buy and kindof needed. and only £24 in MAC i controlled myself. well i wanted to buy everything but i just kept hearing my mum in my head so i got one thing for myself and the other for my sister an early christmas present.
then i had the hard decision shall i buy ugg boots or ghds? hard choice. i have very thick and long hair and very uncontrolable but i really really wanted ugg boots for christmas i had some cheap one from primark last year and loved them.
i didnt buy any of them very sad that is. i just couldnt bring myself to spend the money.
then i went into body care and got toiletries.
so anyway here is the picture of what i bought instead of having lots of pics i just might do a few. my camera is rubbish so good pictures is just hard to get for me. :(
so after my fortnightly shopping trip with my best friend i decided to get a couple of things i need and the rest i just HAD to buy. i got a bit extra money this payday and my first thought was spending spree at MAC but my mum decided to tell me i had to save some money. i didnt do well i doing this she did also say if i do spend all my money spend it on something i need so i kindof took that advice. ummm.
anyway i spent £30 in boots. and a shocking £50 in superdrug omg. it broke my heart when she said the total but all but one is what i wanted to buy and kindof needed. and only £24 in MAC i controlled myself. well i wanted to buy everything but i just kept hearing my mum in my head so i got one thing for myself and the other for my sister an early christmas present.
then i had the hard decision shall i buy ugg boots or ghds? hard choice. i have very thick and long hair and very uncontrolable but i really really wanted ugg boots for christmas i had some cheap one from primark last year and loved them.
i didnt buy any of them very sad that is. i just couldnt bring myself to spend the money.
then i went into body care and got toiletries.
so anyway here is the picture of what i bought instead of having lots of pics i just might do a few. my camera is rubbish so good pictures is just hard to get for me. :(
tada okay i know i said i didnt buy the ghds but when i got home that day my mum said she was taking my sister shopping so i jumped in the car with my two sisters and when my mum and little sister was in primark me and my older sister went to selfidges and i HAD to go back into MAC and just kill myself looking at the new collection. but couldnt bring myself to buy anything knowing i wouldnt have much money. so i went to buy these GHDs at a hairdressers they had a sale on so i got them for £99. woo go me.
okay stop rambling.
so apart from the fab straightners. i got the chaos palette from sleek.
garnier fresh essentials eye makeup remover.
No7 eyeshadow blend and contour brush
revlon contour shadow brush
barry M 302 fushia nail poslish
maybeline pulse perfection vibrating mascara
urban decay shadow primer potion
barry M green glitter eye crayon
famous by sue moxley sunset strip eyeshadow and eyeliner kit.
eyecandy book from linda mason
the complete makeup and beauty book by leigh toselli
blistex lip balm conditioner
carex hand sanitizer (also bought a smaller version)
johnsons baby shampoo
loreal studio secrets anti-redness primer
and the MAC fushia glitter
makeup/toiletry bag.
god that was long .
so here is a close up of the two eyeshadow palettes, the glitter from MAC and the makeup bag.
again sorry for the quality of the pictures.
so there you go my blog is now up to date actualy no it isnt i bought some stuff of ebay now that will have to be a different time. im worn out.
Okay ive decided i better up date this blog and finaly put my pictures on. so im gonna do a few post today.
this one is my cousin it was just a quick look when we went to the cinemas. i used my 120 palette and my sleek storm palette, for a highlight. and of course MAC blacktrack fluidline and maybelline stiletto mascara.
okay first one eyes.
ive been buying palettes and trying them out on me and my friends. ive found some colours are rubbish and not very pigmented. and otheres i am in love with. i like to mix matte colours and iridecent colours just to give that eye i little sparkle which i love and i think you will all agree us girls do like a glisten to our look.
okay so the first couple are just of me.
okay i finaly did it and theyve changed it wow its good i realised that i was on the wrong tab when writing a post. what am i like. and when i was messing around with the settings i found that you can change from the old version and and new one.
i have actualy decided that i am very lazy i wana blog but now im back in work its soooo much of an effort although i pop on everyday to see how many followers i have or new blog updates but if i post a blog its effort putting the pictures on anybody else find the putting pictures on the blog irritating i just get eerything into position then you realise youve forgot a picture and have to sort everthing out AGAIN. and is just me but has this page changed i mean wheres the font bit gone and the colour bit. umm.... strange? i think so. i have bought things taken pictures, done a fab look taken a picture etc but gawddd. blogger should definatly mak this picture uploading more easier.i think i should find some energy to do this. right okay watch this space well the one above it no actualy my next blog will take this space oh shut up.
MAC competition
hey people check this competition out its amazing all you have to do is click on this link and follow the instructions :) dont forget to follow her.
Sister's Blog
Hey just thought id return the favour
check out her blog.
and of course follow her.
we gonna be the next pixi woo. me thinks lawls
check out her blog.
and of course follow her.
we gonna be the next pixi woo. me thinks lawls
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